This is kind of exciting

— 1 minute read

This thing has been created with Hylia, a blog starter kit made by a clever chap and all-round good egg, Andy Bell, leveraging the combined power of Netlify as host, and Eleventy as publishing system.

Eleventy is an Open Source static site generator (SSG) made by Zach Leatherman.

I’d been tinkering with Eleventy and Netlify on and off this spring, and not quite joining all the dots, and now Andy has made it all so easy: all you need is a Github account to get started.

Which means I’ve finally got a place to put my thoughts that’s mine to make my own (or screw up). No more lazy posting to Medium, or threading tweets in lieu of a blog post. Sure, I can still do those things as well, but at least my meanderings can have a home I control, that isn’t a place in the cloud with its head in the sand.